About CSB #2047

Stockade (Wednesdays 7-8:30pm) is a group for 8 - 12 year old boys

This group is active and aimed at the junior age boy.

Our group is partnered with 2 North American wide organizations. Christian Service Brigade as well as the Christian Cadets.  Brigade was founded in the 1930's and Cadets in the 1950's.

Our Stockade is outreach ministries of St. Paul's. In Brigade Cadets we believe and teach basic Christian beliefs. Boys attending Brigade do not have to be attenders of this church or any other. 95% or more of the boys who attend our group come from outside of our church with nearly half attending local Catholic Churches, Lutheran, Presbyterian and others in Orchard Park, West Falls, Hamburg and East Aurora.

Please visit the website of the program to learn more or sign up: CLICK HERE