Children & Youth

Sunday school for all ages

Our Sunday school is headed by our interim Director of Christian Education Kirsten Chase. We offer classes for all ages of children. Sunday school engages our children in many aspects of the Christian faith, including, learning Bible studies, Luther’s Small Catechism, and doing works of service to help our neighbors. Each year we sponsor a Vacation Bible School in the summer, a Trunk or Treat in October, and a Christmas pageant in December.

Students in grade 6 may begin their preparation for Confirmation by speaking with one of our Pastors.

St. Paul’s Youth (Luther League 2.0)

 Our Youth Group serves students in grades 5-12 through monthly meetings and regularly scheduled outings for fun and service.

 In cooperation with other area LCMC congregations we also offer an annual Confirmation retreat.

Safe church policy

St. Paul's has had no known incidents of abuse in its 150 year history.

Confirmation info

Beginning in 6th grade students may join our catechism class in preparation for the Rite of Confirmation. This is a two year program of study using the Bible and Luther's Small catechism to teach students more about their Christian faith.

The Rev. Donald R. & Carolyn E. Francis Scholarship is due May 15th.  It is open to any confirmed member of St. Paul’s under 25 years old.  Click on the link below to download the requirements and application.